Events & Workshops
Here you’ll find details of upcoming events and workshops. If you’re looking for our online courses/ workshops, you can find them by clicking on theĀ ‘resources’ menu on the home page.
Workshops: Coming up in 2020
Whilst the events of this year well and truly scuppered our plans for workshops in 2020, we’re pleased to announce that we are now launching a programme of online workshops which will be delivered via Zoom. We’d love to see you in person again soon, and when the time comes when we can run live events and courses again, we’ll be straight in there! However, we are also really keen to develop our selection of online offerings to continue even after things return to ‘normal’ – as this means reaching more of you from London and beyond, and keeping our prices accessible without the costs associated with space hire.
Don’t forget, members pay 20% less!
Click here for full listings of online workshops.