We’ve all been there: we want to write, we’re trying to write, we need to write – but the words just won’t come. In this session, we'll look at strategies for overcoming the dreaded Writer's Block!
Ever seen an opportunity which asks for a monologue and wondered where to start? Or perhaps there is a moment in your play which you know calls for a monologue but you’re not sure how to make sure it packs a punch and keeps the plot moving forward? Well, in this workshop, we’ll be looking at all things monologue-related, from our top tips to some inspirational exercises and a little competition that will get you writing a monologue this summer!
Promoting yourself as a writer is whole lot easier if you feel confident about your work, yet the idea of writing down what’s good about your writing is probably making you cringe already.
Well, we did say you had to push yourself, so write down 10 things you love about your writing. You don’t need to share this with everyone so no one is going to call you a show off, but you do need to write down 10 things, nine just will not do…