When the sun comes out and the nights get longer, it’s easy for your writing to take a backseat – well who wants to be cooped up behind their laptop when they could be out enjoying some rare British sunshine? So, to help you keep up the writing momentum, we’ll be bringing you a series of online mini-workshops throughout August: they’ll be short, fun and help keep you inspired during the summer lull (and will also keep you occupied on those inevitable rainy days!)
Summer Session 1: Overcoming Writer’s Block
Published: Friday 3 August 2018
The sun is shining, the park (or pub!) is calling and every time you look at your laptop screen you see a terrifying empty void. Sound familiar? Then don’t miss this selection of tips and exercises to help you to overcome writers’ block and boost your creativity!
Summer Session 2: How to write a monologue
Published: Friday 17 August 2018
We’ve all seen the competitions asking for monologues but how do you know what to submit? In this session, we’ll explore what makes a great monologue, work through some inspirational exercises and get you writing some submission worthy speeches this summer!
Summer Session 3: Promoting yourself as a writer
Published: Friday 31 August 2018
Before you go all ‘back-to-school’ and start prepping that big Autumn project, why not spend a bit of time thinking about how to get yourself noticed as a writer? In this session, we’ll look at the nitty gritty of self-promotion from writing brilliant bios to what not to say on application forms.
To participate in these workshops, simply log in on or after the published dates to view the content!
- 3 Sections
- 15 Lessons
- 4 Weeks
- Summer Session 1: Overcoming Writer's BlockWe’ve all been there: we want to write, we’re trying to write, we need to write – but the words just won’t come. In this session, we'll look at strategies for overcoming the dreaded Writer's Block!5
- Summer Session 2: How to Write a MonologueEver seen an opportunity which asks for a monologue and wondered where to start? Or perhaps there is a moment in your play which you know calls for a monologue but you’re not sure how to make sure it packs a punch and keeps the plot moving forward? Well, in this workshop, we’ll be looking at all things monologue-related, from our top tips to some inspirational exercises and a little competition that will get you writing a monologue this summer!5
- Session 3: Promoting Yourself as a Writer5